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Revolutionizing European Payments: Bluefin and Sunmi's Game-Changing Partnership


Picture this: A bustling café in Paris, a high-end boutique in Milan, or a tech startup in Berlin. What do they all have in common? The need for seamless, secure payment processing. At Bluefin in partnership with Sunmi, we're proud to bring cutting-edge payment terminals with advanced security features to businesses across Europe.

The Challenge: Security vs. Simplicity

For years, European businesses have faced a daunting choice: robust security or user-friendly systems. It's been a tug-of-war between protecting sensitive data and maintaining smooth operations. But what if you could have both?

Enter Bluefin's partnership with Sunmi, a collaboration aimed at bridging this gap with our pioneering payment solutions. Together, we've developed a trio of devices set to redefine how Europe pays: the P2Pro, Smart Pad, and P2LiteSE.

The European Payment Landscape: Complexity and Opportunity

Europe's payment scene is diverse and innovative, but it's not without its complexities. While the continent leads in many aspects of payment technology, the adoption of Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) is reserved for only the largest retailers, leaving the rest with the cost of non-compliance and the risk of data breach. P2PE is a security method that encrypts card data from the point of interaction (where a card is swiped, dipped, or tapped) to the point of processing. This significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and simplifies compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for merchants. PCI DSS is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment.

European financial institutions have taken a more laissez-faire approach to P2PE due to the early adoption of EMV and the perceived protections it offers. Unfortunately, the vulnerability of our payment infrastructure increases day-by-day. Today, P2PE is our best line of defense offering absolute certainty that data is not at-risk in a card payment transaction

Implementing P2PE in Europe isn't just about adopting new technology. It's a complex process of regulatory compliance, hardware upgrades, and software integration. The process must align with broader European payment regulations, including the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)and the Payment Services Directive 2, PSD2. Add to this the need to address local market requirements, EMV compliance, and continued support for magnetic stripe technology (to accommodate non-European cards) and the risk multiplies.

For many businesses, especially smaller enterprises, these challenges can seem insurmountable. The P2Pro, Smart Pad, and P2LiteSE are designed to navigate this complex landscape, offering robust security features while maintaining user-friendly interfaces.

A Leap Forward in Payment Technology

These devices represent more than just new payment terminals. They embody a significant leap forward in payment technology, communicating seamlessly across 4G, WiFi, and Ethernet networks while integrating effortlessly with your existing business systems, from inventory management to customer relationship tools.

This versatility translates into real-world benefits. Businesses can deploy these terminals in a variety of settings, from bustling retail floors to outdoor events, without missing a beat. Whether you're using it as a handheld device in a busy restaurant or as a fixed terminal at a retail checkout, these Sunmi devices ensure a smooth, user-friendly experience for both staff and customers.

Our Sunmi devices stand out in the market, offering distinct advantages that address common pain points in the payment industry. They're more robust, encountering fewer complications in day-to-day use. For businesses considering semi-integrated solutions, these devices provide a wider range of integration approaches, offering greater flexibility.

Bluefin provides streamlined support for app-to-app integrations, significantly reducing implementation time. Additionally, our cloud-based solution offers capabilities that many competitors don't, enabling remote management and real-time data access.

Compliance Made Simple: The European Edge

In the complex web of European regulations, compliance can feel like navigating a labyrinth blindfolded. Our Sunmi devices come with a built-in GPS for this maze. They're not just compliant with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and PSD2 (Revised Payment Service Directive); they're built with these regulations in mind, turning potential hurdles into stepping stones for your business.

Moreover, these devices adhere to the Common.SECC standard - a seal of approval that speaks volumes in the European market. This rigorous security certification scheme for payment terminals in Europe ensures that your business is operating at the highest standards of security and compliance.

The Secret Sauce: P2PE Meets Plug-and-Play

Imagine unboxing a device that's a fully compliant, integrated cash-register solution with Worldline, a leading European acquirer. The best part is, your customers can feel the difference too! An elegant design that delivers speed, accuracy and security is hard to find. It's like driving a high-performance car that's ready to race the moment you sit in it.

But it's not just about speed to market. These devices are armed with powerful security features:

  1. Decryptx®: Our PCI-validated P2PE solution, ensuring your customers' card data is locked down tight. From the moment a card is tapped, inserted, or swiped, to the final processing of the transaction, customer information remains protected.
  2. ShieldConex®: Think of it as a digital disguise for online payments, keeping sensitive information hidden in plain sight. Tokenization is crucial for safeguarding online personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), and payment/ACH account data.
  3. P2PE Manager®: Your command center for device management, offering a bird's-eye view of your entire payment ecosystem. This intuitive online portal provides comprehensive device management, chain of custody tracking, and detailed reporting.

Beyond Security: The Business Boost

Let's talk brass tacks. What does this mean for your bottom line?

  1. Speed: Deploy these devices faster than you can say "contactless payment." The "off-the-shelf" availability means you can start processing secure payments immediately, without lengthy setup processes or integration periods.
  2. Flexibility: Whether you're running a food truck or a multinational corporation, these devices adapt to your needs. All European Sunmi devices are fully equipped for NFC acceptance, catering to the continent's growing preference for contactless payments.
  3. Future-Proof: With an open Android system, you're not just keeping pace with the market; you're setting it. This open environment is a significant advancement over traditional, closed payment systems.

The integration possibilities are endless. Want to link your payment system with your inventory management? Done. Looking to create a loyalty program that syncs with your transactions? Easy. The open API is your playground, offering endless possibilities for customization and integration to suit any unique business need

For those looking to customize their payment solutions further, we provide access to the TECS developer portal. This comprehensive resource offers everything needed for seamless integration, often allowing businesses to implement custom solutions in just a few days.

The Future is Now, and It's Secure

Gone are the days of choosing between security and simplicity. We've ushered in a new era where robust protection and user-friendly design go hand in hand.

Don't let your business fall behind in this payment revolution. The tools for transformation are here, ready to be unboxed and put to work. Whether you're a corner shop in Lisbon or a tech giant in Stockholm, these devices are your ticket to the future of payments.

Ready to leap into the future of European payments? The power to transform your business is literally at your fingertips. Explore our Sunmi devices today and join the vanguard of payment innovation. Your customers are waiting. The future of payments is here. Will you be part of it?